Australia: Brown years: 1927-1939.
Ordinary rate delivery envelope: AB-EO-4

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: No form number.
TELEGRAM centered at top.
Message area: Boxed slogan in the top left corner and a slogan above the window.
Reverse side: Two multi-line slogans.
Colours (text & envelope): Black on brown paper.
Size of envelope overall: 79 × 136 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

Delivery envelope with telegram (AB-DO-4Bc)
Perth to Claremont, WA (24 January 1931).


  • no border around the window;
  • TELEGRAM is in thick letters;
  • legs at middle of M of TELEGRAM meet at a low point;
  • FOR QUICK ... slogan is underlined.

The same format envelope appears to have been used to deliver a telegram at Bayles, Vic. which is dated 1 August 1924.


AB-EO-4A_rev AB-EO-4A (reverse).

Reverse side of the above delivery envelope.

The delivery envelope was also printed in the same format but with different slogans (see below).

AB-EO-4Aii AB-EO-4A.

Same format as for the above envelope but a different boxed advertisement on the front.

AB-EO-4Aii  rev AB-EO-4A (reverse).

Same format as for the above envelope but a different slogan on the flap.


Delivery envelope


  • thin black border around the window;
  • TELEGRAM is in thinner letters;
  • legs at middle of M of TELEGRAM meet at a higher point;
  • FOR QUICK ... slogan is not underlined and a comma follows SERVICE.

Boxed advertisement is hinting at the ornamental forms.

AB-EO-4B_rev AB-EO-4B (reverse).

Reverse side of above delivery envelope.

Although a different combination of slogans is suspected, none has been recorded.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
EO-4A None 1 August 1924 at Bayles, Vic.. NC
EO-4B None   NC